Vacation, getting away, and remembering

I have spent a lot of time this week thinking about the past.  My memory for certain details is terrible. I spent some time this week in St Louis visiting old haunts. Some of them were places I went with friends and some were places I went with Justin.  We had dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory which was a place Justin and I went on a date. It is also where we had dinner with both of our parents after we got engaged.

The girls and I went down to the Central West End where my college friends and I used to go the Coffee Cartel and sit outside and drink coffee. We drove by the restaurant where I was with Justin for our friend John’s bachelor party. The only bachelor party I ever went to.  We went to Vintage Vinyl and the loop where we used to go hang out in college. 

Here is the thing, I know that we cannot really comprehend this until it happens to us but I want to remind you if I can, life is short. We are all living on borrowed time. So if there are people who get who you are, if there are people who make you laugh and people who in a way were there to form who you became as you grew up, then spend time with them.  Call these people, go see them or have them over. If there are people who have supported you, loved you, given of their time and energies to you, tell them. Tell them what they mean to you. Tell them what they have done for you.  

I got to have time and lunch with my dear friend Katie who I have known for over 25years. I was in her wedding and she was in mine. I have missed being in touch with her as much over the last 15 years as we both got busy with family, kids and life. She is a special friend and I love her. She always makes me laugh and knows me so well.

We got a special tour of Webster University from my friend John. I love that he took his own time to do this for us. He is special because he is a friend of mine and also Justin’s and talking to him is like a glimpse into the past when I first met Justin. John is a friend I met because of Justin and we spent hours together in the newspaper office and also with a certain play. The best part was seeing our children get along so well. It was an instant click which shouldn’t be a surprise. John gets me and makes me laugh. And I am thankful for him. 

Today we will head over to Greenville to see some other friends and more memories. And I am thankful for the time, and resources to do these things. To make memories with my girls that include parts of my memories and hopefully instill in them the importance of friends, memories and appreciating where you have been tied with where you are going.  We can do hard things. People are important and memories are what made us. 
